Multiple award winners
It’s a first for a consumer medical device to win the Award and a great achievement against some exceptional competition and innovation.

February 2019
Partnership with Academia Award
Femeda Ltd won the Medilink Partnership with Academia Award. The awards cover the whole of the North of England and saw industry, academia and the NHS come together to celebrate the achievements of the health sector in the region.

December 2018
Product of the
Year 2018
Femeda Ltd won Product of the Year at the prestigious Bionow Awards. The reputable Bionow Awards acknowledge ingenuity, dedication and the accomplishments of those who drive innovation and deliver outstanding results.
Investing in the community
In recognition of the major support the business has received from clinicians and academics in the Manchester area to bring Pelviva to the market, Femeda Ltd is investing back in the Greater Manchester community. The business is committing to provide up to £50,000 of Pelviva product to women with bladder leakage in the region, via the appropriate clinicians and hospital trusts. Femeda is working with Health Innovation Manchester and the relevant Trusts, as well as primary and secondary care providers, to make this product available to women who up until now have had limited options to help with UI.

1 in 3 women suffer from
a weak pelvic floor
Pelviva® improved bladder control for 84% of women suffering with pelvic
floor weakness
Manufacturing & Operations
Unit 9 Network Centre
Colbourne Avenue
Nelson Park
NE23 1WD
Tel: +44 (0)800 681 6008